Jay K. Honda

Lasik Eye Surgery Co-Management

Considering a Life Without Glasses: Your LASIK Guide

Are you tired of the constant need for glasses or contact lenses? Do you dream of the simplicity of clear, natural vision? LASIK eye surgery could be your ticket to a life of enhanced vision. This advanced procedure has been transformative for people struggling with myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness), astigmatism, and other eye conditions.

Why Choose LASIK?

Here are some reasons why people opt for LASIK:

  • Sports enthusiasts: No more not being able to see the ball, and say goodbye to broken or lost glasses!
  • Allergy sufferers: Eliminate the irritation of allergies while wearing contacts!
  • Just tired of glasses: Imagine no more daily hassle with glasses or contacts!

We are here to help you understand if LASIK is a good fit for you. Our team will conduct comprehensive evaluations considering your eye health and vision history, to identify whether you’re a good candidate for LASIK surgery and if any other factors could impact your results.

Once we’ve assessed and confirmed that you’re a candidate for LASIK, we’ll refer you to a trusted LASIK surgery center with whom we have a long-standing relationship. There, they will conduct advanced diagnostic tests, confirm your eligibility for the procedure, and discuss the different surgery options available to you.

Your post-operative care will be managed at our Kailua-Kona office. We’ll begin follow-up appointments after the surgery and continue to see you at pre-arranged times over the following six months. A year after surgery, we recommend a full exam to perform a health evaluation and review your long-term results. Our practice has significant experience in pre and post-operative care and we are always available to answer any questions you have along the way.

To learn more about LASIK, don’t hesitate to call us at (808) 329-3535 to schedule a consultation. Our knowledgeable team will help you understand what LASIK could mean for your vision


75-166 Kalani St. #101-102
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740


Phone: 808-329-3535
Fax: 888-504-0018


Mon-Fri:       7:30-12:00pm

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