Jay K. Honda

Cataract Surgery Co-Management

Don't Ignore Cataracts

As most patients with cataracts, your vision and quality of vision has been monitored for several years. On occasion, patients are afraid to address a deterioration in eyesight caused by cataracts. Left untreated, cataracts can progressively worsen and significantly impair your vision. Sometimes cataracts can become hypermature making surgery more difficult and unnecessarily more complicated. Occasionally a patient’s general health can deteriorate such that any surgery is riskier. Come in for regular check-ups so that we are able to offer recommendations when the circumstances allow for the best visual outcome. Cataract surgery is the most prevalent surgery of all medical procedures performed, with 3.7 million procedures performed in the United States and 20 million per year performed worldwide, generally yielding excellent results. Let’s get your vision back to its clear and colorful best!

Why Consider Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery provides significant benefits like restoring clear vision and enhancing daily activities such as reading and driving. Colors appear more vibrant and your overall safety and independence can improve. It is generally a quick, safe procedure with most people noticing substantial vision improvements immediately post-surgery. This procedure can be a life-changer.

Our team coordinates all pre- and post-operative care for your cataract surgery, right in our office. We assess your eligibility, answer any questions you may have, and arrange your consultation with a recommended ophthalmologist. Post-surgery, we conduct follow-up visits to oversee your recovery and evaluate your improved vision.

If you suspect you might benefit from cataract surgery, don’t hesitate to contact us. Give us a call today at (808) 329-3535 to schedule an appointment and start your journey back to clear vision.


75-166 Kalani St. #101-102
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740


Phone: 808-329-3535
Fax: 888-504-0018


Mon-Fri:       7:30-12:00pm

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